Elephant Room Productions presents, “Take Care,” the fourth audio play of The Fifth Vital Sign. Before the nation turned its attention to the opioid epidemic, chronic pain patients and the people who loved them had long experienced the consequences of overprescription. Once the impact was addressed, they faced the new challenge of abrupt changes in […]
The Fifth Vital Sign: Take Care Promo
Elephant Room Productions debuts the fourth audio play of The Fifth Vital Sign on September 27th. Stay tuned to elephantroomproductions.com and our podcast, the Trumpet, to listen to the audio play. Before the nation turned its attention to the opioid epidemic, chronic pain patients and the people who loved them had long experienced the consequences […]
The Fifth Vital Sign: Couch
Elephant Room Productions presents the third audio play of The Fifth Vital Sign. In “Couch,” Edie knits in her living room, where the only furniture left is a couch. When her troubled son Jacob arrives and wants to take her couch from her, Edie declares enough. As mother and son fight over the last piece […]
The Fifth Vital Sign: Couch Promo
Elephant Room Productions debuts the third audio play of The Fifth Vital Sign on August 30th. Stay tuned to elephantroomproductions.com and our podcast, the Trumpet, to listen to the audio play. In “Couch,” Edie knits in her living room, where the only furniture left is a couch. When her troubled son Jacob arrives and wants […]
The Fifth Vital Sign: The Monster that Comes at Night
Elephant Room Productions presents the second audio play of The Fifth Vital Sign. In “The Monster that Comes at Night,” A teenage boy tells his sister a story in an effort to help her cope and understand the abusive environment they live in. The fictional story and the world they operate in slowly begin to […]
The Fifth Vital Sign: The Monster that Comes at Night Promo
Elephant Room Productions debuts the second audio play of The Fifth Vital Sign on July 26th. Stay tuned to elephantroomproductions.com and our podcast, the Trumpet, to listen to the audio play. In “The Monster that Comes at Night,” a teenage boy tells his sister a story in an effort to help her cope and understand […]
The Fifth Vital Sign: Suddenly
Elephant Room Productions presents “Suddenly,” the first audio play of The Fifth Vital Sign. In “Suddenly,” a couple is forced to contend with bitterness and anger along with grief as they write an obituary for their daughter. “Suddenly” is written by Ellen Davis Sullivan, directed by Robert Gene Pellechio, and features Ginger Agnew and Shaun […]
The Fifth Vital Sign: Suddenly Promo
Elephant Room Productions debuts the first audio play of The Fifth Vital Sign on June 28th. Stay tuned to elephantroomproductions.com and our podcast, the Trumpet, to listen to the audio play. In “Suddenly,” a couple is forced to contend with bitterness and anger along with their grief as they write an obituary for their daughter. […]
The Fifth Vital Sign Promo
Elephant Room Productions debuts The Fifth Vital Sign, a mulitmedia experiece about the opioid epidemic, on June 28th, 2019. Stay tuned to elephantroomproductions.com and our podcast, the Trumpet, for the new audio plays in the series. Music featured in this production: Home – By Whitesand (https://youtu.be/3r8gL1vWGx0).